Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How To Get Refferals

If you have been searching for a way to increase your referrals to your gpt site then you have come to the right place. Getting referrals can be easy if you know exactly how to do it. In fact it can be so easy you don't even have to do anything but have an auto watcher viewing youtube videos.

I'll break it down in steps for you:

1. Create a youtube video
2. Upload it to youtube and include your referral id
3. Use enhance views to increase your views and likes.

Thats it! The reason this works is because if your video is getting seen by
enhance view watchers then its getting watched by YouTube viewers also.
The trick is always building up your enhance views credits so you can increase both
your likes and views. You will notice a change almost instantly and when you get up to
2,000 views you will get at least 1 - 2 referrals every day.

Now you might be thinking, wow create my own video, that might be hard. However, I have taken the hard part completely out of the equatioin. I have created 10 videos for you! All you have to do is download the .rar file and unzip it. Then upload it to YouTube and use your referral link. Then blast views and likes with enhance views.

Free Referral Videos
10 included
Wal Mart
World of Warcraft
I want you to know that you must unlock it by doing a survey. This is the only way I could think of so you can get it for free and I can get a little cash for taking the time to prepare these videos. Besides, this download will be worht $100s to you once you use it.

Would you like to know more strategies on how to refer people? I have writen an ebook that covers other several strategies and can be downloaded here.

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